Engineering Chemistry by SS Dara.pdf

Engineering Chemistry by SS Dara.pdf

Thiru. PRAVEEN KUMAR, I.A.S., Principal Secretary /Commissioner of Technical Education Directorate of Technical Education Guindy, Chennai- 600025. Dr.K.SUNDARAMOORTHY, M.E., Ph.D., Additional Director of Technical Eduation (Polytechnics) Directorate of Technical Education Guindy, Chennai- 600025

Convener Mrs.A.Meera H.O.D (UG) / Chemistry Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College for Women Tharamani, Chennai—113

Co-ordinator Er. R.Sornakumar M.E., Principal Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College for Women Tharamani, Chennai—113

Reviewer Prof.Dr.J.SANTHANALAKSHMI Head of the Department / Physical Chemistry University of Madras, Chennai-25. Authors Dr.K.Mohan M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., H.O.D (UG)/ Chemistry Sakthi Polytechnic College Sakthinagar, Erode—638 315. THIRU.K.SUBRAMANIAN H.O.D(UG)/ Chemistry P.T.LEE.C.N.Polytechnic College, Vepery, Chennai –600 007

THIRU.S.MAHALINGAM, H.O.D(UG)/Chemistry Govt.Polytechnic College Thuvakudi, Trichy-22.

THIRU.I.SYED AHAMED HUSSAIN Lecturer/Chemistry Institute of chemical technology Taramani, Chennai-113.

THIRU.K.HEMACHANDRAN Senior Lecturer/chemistry C.P.C.L.Polytechnic college Manali, Chennai-68.

This book has been prepared by the Directorate of Technical Education This book has been printed on 60 G.S.M Paper Through the Tamil Nadu Text book and Educational Services Corporation ii

FOREWORD We are indeed very happy to present engineering chemistry book for diploma engineers. Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter, its composition, physical and chemical properties and applications. It is important for engineers to have knowledge of chemistry as those may face problems in fields as diverse as design and development of new materials, quality control and environmental engineering that are basically chemistry oriented in nature. Chemistry is the backbone in designing and understanding the nature of various engineering materials. Many advances in engineering and technology either produce a chemical demand like polymers, chemical developments for their application in powder metallurgy and alloys, preventing methods of pollution etc. Currently electronics and computer field require biopolymers and nano materials. Electrical engineers require proper conducting materials. Mechanical engineers are in search of micro fluids and civil engineers are looking for environment friendly materials. This book in engineering chemistry is prepared for the students studying I Year Diploma in Engineering and Technology in Tamilnadu. This book is written in simple and easily understandable manner. Tabular columns, figures, and worked examples are given wherever necessary. At the end of each chapter, short answer questions and long answer questions are given. Test your understanding questions are given wherever required which will motivate the students for further study. The authors are very much grateful to the Commissioner of Technical Education Chennai for his deep involvement and encouragement in preparing this syllabus and learning material. Thanks are due to officials of DOTE, Chennai for their timely help whenever needed. Further suggestions and constructive criticisms for the improvement of this book are welcome AUTHORS


Contents: Theory Unit I

Name of the Topic


Atom – Definition – Fundamental particles of Atom – their Mass, Charge and Location – Atomic number and Mass number – Definition – Isotopes and Isobars – Definition with suitable examples – Formation of cation and anion by electronic concept of oxidation and reduction – Octet rule – Formation of electrovalent compound (NaCl) – Formation of covalent compound (NH3). 1.2 Molecular Mass

Molecule – Molecular Formula – Molecular Mass – Mole – Definition – Simple calculations – Avogadro’s Hypothesis – Relationship between Molecular Mass and Vapour Density – Avogadro Number – Definition. 1.3 Acids and Bases

Theories of Acids and Bases – Arrhenius Theory – Lowry – Bronsted Theory – Lewis Theory – Advantages of Lewis Theory – pH and pOH – Definition – Numerical problems – Indicator – Definition and Examples only – Buffer solution – Definition – Types of buffer solution with examples – Application of pH in Industries. II


Definition – Methods of expressing concentration of a solution – Molarity, Molality, Normality, Mole fraction and Percentage Mass – Simple problems. 2.2 Colloids

True solution and Colloidal solution – Definition – Differences – Types of colloids – Lyophilic and Lyophobic colloids – Differences – Properties – Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, Electrophoresis and Coagulation – Industrial applications of colloids – Smoke Precipitation by Cottrell’s method, Purification of water, Cleansing action of soap, Tanning of leather and Sewage disposal. 2.3 Nano-Particles Definition – Importance of Nano-particles – Area of application – Medicine, Electronics and Biomaterials.


3.1 Technology of Water 6 Hrs Sources of water – Reasons for depletion of underground water – Rain water harvesting (Basic ideas) – Advantages – Hard water and soft water – Hardness of water – Carbonate and Non-carbonate hardness – Methods of expressing hardness – mg/lit and ppm – Simple problems – Estimation of total hardness of water by EDTA method – Problems involving Total, Carbonate and Non-carbonate hardness in ppm – Softening of hard water – Ion-Exchange method and Reverse Osmosis method – Municipal water supply – Purification (Sedimentation, Filtration and Sterilization) – Disadvantages of using hard water in boilers – Scale formation, Corrosion of boiler metal, Caustic Embrittlement and Priming and Foaming. 3.2 Catalysis

Catalyst – Positive catalyst – Negative catalyst – Definition – Types of catalysis – Homogeneous and Heterogeneous – Promoter – Catalyst poison – Definition – Characteristics of a catalyst – Industrial applications of catalysts. 3.3 Glass

Definition – Manufacture of Glass – Varieties of Glass – Optical Glass, Windshield Glass and Photo chromatic Glass. IV


Electrolyte – Definition – Strong and Weak electrolytes – Examples – Electrolysis – Definition – Mechanism – Industrial application of Electrolysis – Electroplating – Preparation of surface – Process – Factors affecting the stability of the coating – Chrome plating – Electroless plating – Definition – Advantages of Electroless plating over electroplating – Applications of Electroless plating. 4.2 Electrochemical Cell

Electrochemical Cell – Definition – Representation of a Cell – Single Electrode Potential – Definition – Galvanic Cell – Formation of Daniel Cell – Electrochemical Series – Definition and Significance – Electrolytic Concentration Cell – Definition and Formation. 4.3 Energy Sources Primary Battery – Definition and example – Construction, Working and Uses of Dry cell – Secondary Battery – Definition and example – Construction, Working and Uses of Lead-acid Storage Cell – Nonconventional Energy Sources – Solar Cell – Definition – Principle, Construction, Working and Uses.

Name of the Topic


Definition – Types of Corrosion – Theories of corrosion – Galvanic Cell Formation Theory – Differential Aeration theory – Factors influencing the rate of corrosion. 5.2 Methods of Prevention of Corrosion

Control of Environment – Alloying – Surface coatings – Metal coatings – Electroplating, Galvanization and Tinning – Inorganic coating – Anodizing – Cathodic Protection – Sacrificial Anode Method and Impressed Voltage Method. 5.3 Organic Coatings

Paint – Definition – Components of Paints and their functions – Varnish – Definition – Preparation of Oil Varnish – Differences between Paint and Varnish – Special Paints – Luminescent Paints, Fire Retardant Paints, Aluminium Paints and Distemper. Text Book: 1. Engineering Chemistry – I Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation 2. Engineering Chemistry – Jain & Jain – Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 3. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry – S.S. Dara – S. Chand Publication. Reference Book: 1. A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control S.S. Dara – S. Chand Publication. 2. Engineering Chemistry – Uppal – Khanna Publishers. 3. Chemistry – Higher Secondary – Second Year – Volume I & II – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation – 2014. 4. Environmental Chemistry – V P Kudesia – Pragati Publishers.


Contents: Theory Unit I

Name of the Topic


Pollution and Air pollution – Definition – Air pollutants (SO2, H2S, HF, CO and Dust) – Sources and Harmful effects – Formation of Acid Rain – Harmful effects – Green House Effect – Causes – Global warming – Harmful effects – Ozone Layer – Importance – Causes for Depletion of Ozone Layer (No equations) – Harmful effects of Ozone Layer Depletion – Control of Air Pollution. 1.2 Water Pollution

Causes of Water Pollution – Sewage, Effluents, Algae and Microorganisms – Harmful effects –Sewerage – Definition – Sewage Disposal – Industrial Effluents – Harmful effects of Effluents – Harmful effects of Heavy Metal Ions – Lead, Cadmium, Zinc and Copper – Treatment of Effluents – Eutrophication – Definition and harmful effects. 2 Hrs 1.3 Solid Waste Management Solid Waste – Definition – Problems – Types of Solid Waste – Methods of disposal – Land fill and Incineration. 2 Hrs 1.4 Green Chemistry Definition – Goals of Green Chemistry (Basic ideas) – Recycling – Definition – Examples – Advantages of Recycling (Basic ideas) II


Fuel and fossil fuel – Definition – Calorific value – Classification of fuels – Solid fuels – Wood – Coal – Varieties of Coal – Composition – Specific uses – Liquid fuels – Petroleum – Fractional distillation – Fractions and uses – Cracking (Concept only) – Liquid Hydrogen as fuel – Gaseous fuels – Preparation, composition and specific uses of Producer gas and Water gas – Composition and uses of CNG and LPG – Relative advantages of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. 2.2 Combustion

Definition – Combustion calculation by mass (for solid and liquid fuels) – Combustion calculation by volume (for gaseous fuels) – Stoichiometric calculations – Volume of air required – Excess air – Definition of Flue gas – Flue gas Analysis – Orsat Apparatus – Simple numerical problems. 2.3 Refractories Definition – Requirements of a good Refractory – Classification – Acidic, 2 Hrs Basic and Neutral Refractories – Examples and uses – Uses of Fireclay bricks, Alumina bricks and Silica bricks.

Name of the Topic


Extraction of Tungsten and Titanium – Uses of Tungsten and Titanium. 3.2 Powder metallurgy

Definition – Preparation of Metal Powder – Atomization – Reduction of Metal Oxide – Applications of Powder Metallurgy. 3.3 Alloys

Definition – Purpose of alloying – Types – Ferrous Alloys – Composition and uses of Stainless Steel, Chromium Steel and Vanadium Steel – Nonferrous alloys – Composition and uses of Nichrome, Dutch metal, German silver, Gun metal and Duralumin. 3.4 Abrasives

Definition – Classification – Hardness in Moh’s scale – Natural abrasives – Diamond, Corundum, Emery and Garnet – Synthetic abrasives – Carborundum – Boron carbide – Manufacture – Properties and uses.


Definition – Manufacture of Portland Cement – Wet Process – Setting of Cement (No equation). 4.2 Ceramics

White pottery – Definition – Manufacture of White pottery – Uses – Definition of glazing – Purpose – Method – Salt glazing. 4.3 Lubricants

Definition – Characteristics of Lubricant – Types of Lubricants – Solid – Semi-solid –Liquid Lubricants . 4.4 Adhesives Definition – Requirements of good adhesives – Natural adhesive – Uses of Shellac, Starch, Asphalt – Synthetic adhesive – Uses of Cellulose Nitrate, PVC, Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea-formaldehyde.

Name of the Topic

5.1 Plastics Plastics – Definition - Polymerization – Definition – Types of polymerization – Addition polymerization – Formation of Polythene – Condensation polymerization – Formation of Bakelite – Types of plastics – Thermoplastics and Thermoset plastics – Differences – Mechanical properties of plastics – Advantages of plastics over traditional materials (Wood and Metal) –Reinforced or filled plastics – Definition – Advantages – Applications – Polymers in Surgery – Biomaterials – Definition – Biomedical uses of Polyurethane, PVC, Polypropylene and Polyethylene. 5.2 Rubber

Definition – Preparation from Latex – Defects of natural rubber– Compounding of rubber – Ingredients and their functions – Vulcanization – Definition and Purpose – Reclaimed rubber – Definition – Process – Properties and uses. 5.3 Composite materials

Definition – Examples – Advantages over metals and polymers – General applications. Text Book: 1. Engineering Chemistry – Jain & Jain – Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry – S.S. Dara – S. Chand Publication.

Reference Book: 1. Chemistry of Engineering Material-C.V. Agarwal, Andranaidu C. Parameswara Moorthy – B.S. Publications. 2. Engineering Chemistry – Uppal – Khanna Publishers. 3. A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry – P.L. Soni – S. Chand Publication. 4. Rain Water Harvesting – Hand Book – Chennai Metro Water.

Board Examination - Question paper pattern Time: 3 Hrs.

PART A - 5 Questions to be answered out of 8 for 2 marks each. PART B - 5 Questions to be answered out of 8 for 3 marks each. PART C

- All the 5 Questions to be answered

Each question in PART C will contain 3 Sub questions, out of these 3 Sub questions 2 Sub questions is to be answered for 5 marks each.

5 x 2 x 5 marks

Short answer type questions PART C Descriptive answer type questions Each question in PART C will contain 3 Sub questions, out of these 3 Sub questions 2 Sub questions is to be answered for 5 marks each. Total

Out of the 3 Sub questions in PART C, one sub question must be on problem based to test the analytical ability/logical ability /diagnostic ability/conceptual ability relevant to that subject content. Equal weightage is to be given to whole syllabus.

Clarks table will not be permitted for the Board Examinations.



Acids and Bases



Technology of water



Methods of Prevention of corrosion



Solid Waste Management


Extraction of metals




ENGINEERINGCHEMISTRY-I FIRST SEMESTER UNIT-I ATOMIC STRUCTURES, MOLECULAR MASS, ACIDS AND BASES 1.1 ATOMIC STRUCTURE INTRODUCTION Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of the nature of matter, its composition, occurrence, isolation, methods of preparation, properties and uses. An atom is the smallest form of a chemical particle that retains the properties of the particle. The word 'atom' comes from the Greek word 'atomos', meaning 'unable to be cut'. The original meaning of atom was the smallest, indivisible form of a chemical particle. Now we know how to divide atoms into sub-atomic particles, the definition of an atom includes the concept that the particle must retain its chemical properties. ATOM An Atom is the smallest invisible particle of element, having all the characteristics of the parent element, which can neither be created nor destroyed by any chemical change. It cannot exist freely. It is the ultimate particle of an element, which may or may not have independent existence. The atoms of certain elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, not have independent existence where as atoms of helium, neon, argon, etc. do have independent existence. All elements are composed of atoms. Fundamental particles of an atom Almost the atoms of all elements are made up of three main particles known as fundamental particles. They are electrons, protons and neutrons. Hydrogen is the only element that do not have neutron. PROTON 1.The proton is a positively charged particle. 2.It has unit positive charge and unit mass. The mass of proton is approximately equal to the mass of one hydrogen atom. It is equal to 1.00732 amu. 3.The proton is present in atoms of all the elements. 4. he protons are present inside the nucleus of an atom.

ELECTRON 1. The electron is a negatively charged particle. 2. It has unit negative charge and negligible mass. 3. The mass of and electron is about 1/1837 of mass of a hydrogen atom. 4. Electrons are present in all the atoms. 5. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus in various circular orbits (shell). NEUTRON 1. The neutron is a neutral particle. Hence, it has no charge. 2. It has unit mass. The neutron is present in atoms of all elements except hydrogen. The mass of a neutron is slightly greater than the mass of a proton. It is equal to 1.00871 amu. 3. Neutron is present inside the nucleus of an atom. ATOMIC NUMBER (Z) The atomic number is the number protons present in the nucleus of an atom or number of electrons revolving around the nucleus in an atom. Based on the carbon standard the atomic mass of an element may be defined as the ratio between the mass of one atom of the element and th 1/12 of mass of an atom of carbon Atomic number= No of protons=No of electrons MASS NUMBER (A) The mass number of an element is given by the total number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom. A= (P+N) Therefore the number of neutrons is = A-Z. ISOTOPES The isotopes are atoms of the same elements having the same atomic number but different mass number. e.g. Isotope of oxygen: 8O16, 8O17, 8O18. ISOBAR Isobars are the atoms of different elements having the same mass number but different atomic number. e.g. 92U234, 91Pa234. STRUCTURE OF ATOM The atom consists of two parts. They are 1.The central nucleus 2.The outer extra nuclear part. 1. The central Nucleus: The nucleus is the central part of an atom consists of protons and neutrons. Since the protons are positively charged particle and neutrons are neutral, the nucleus is always positive part of an atom. The entire weight of an atom is present only in the nucleus. 2

2. The outer extra nuclear part. 1. It is the part around the nucleus. It contains all electrons of an atom. It is the negative part of the atom. The electrons are revolving around the nucleus in a regular path called shell or orbit or energy levels. 2. The shells or orbits are numbered, as 1,2,3,4 etc from the nucleus. They are also known as K, L, M, N Shell or orbit. 3. Each shell can accommodate only certain number of electron, which is given by the formula 2n2 where the ‘n’ is the number of the shell. Therefore, the numbers of electrons that are accommodated in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd shell respectively are 2,8,18. 4. The electrons present in the outer most orbit is called as valence electron. 5. The atom as whole is a neutral one. Since the number of protons (positively charges) is equal to the number of electrons (negative charges). The atomic structure of Sodium atom is given below.

FORMATION OF CATION AND ANION Example.1 1. Hydrogen atom Number of proton = 1 (number of positive charge is +1) Number of electron = 1 (number of negative charge is -1) Number of neutron = 0

Hydrogen ion (H ) or proton

Hydrogen atom 3

So, Z=1 , A=1 When hydrogen atom losses its outer most electron, it has only one proton. + + The H becomes H ion due to the loss of one electron. Hence, the H ion is called as proton. − + H H (proton) +1e A-Z=1-1=0(No neutron) FORMATION OF CATION AND ANION Atom as whole is a neutral one, since the number of proton and electrons are equal. An atom becomes an ion only when there is a gain or loss of an electron. Anion (-ve ion) is formed by the gain of electron. Similarly, cation (positive) is formed by the loss of electron.

CATION FORMATION + Na (Atom) -1e Na (cation). When an atom losses an electron it becomes cation. When electron is transferred from sodium atom to chlorine atom the sodium atom becomes cation. ANION FORMATION When an atom gains an electron, it becomes anion. From the above example, chlorine atom gains an electron from sodium it becomes an anion. − Cl (Anion) Cl (Atom) +1e ELECTRONIC CONCEPT OF OXIDATION AND REDUCTION

The electronic concept of oxidation and reduction can be explained as below. OXIDATION Oxidation is a process that involves removal (loss) of electrons. Example: Na

-1e H H+ Here Na, K and H are oxidised into Na+, K+ and H+ respectively. REDUCTION Reduction is a process that involves addition (gain) of electrons. Example: − Cl − +1eF F − +1eBr Br Here Cl, F and Br are reduced into Cl- , F- and Br – respectively. What is chemical bonding? When two atoms in a molecule strongly tend to remain together, they are said to be in chemical bonding with each other. In other words, it is said that a chemical bond has been established between the two atoms. Thus, “A chemical bond may be defined as an attraction between the two atoms in a molecule”

Why do atoms combine? There is a deep relationship between the properties and the electrons lying in their outermost orbits. The elements having same number of valency electrons have similar properties. The elements in the zero groups have two or eight electrons are inactive chemically. OCTET RULE The inert gases have the stable configuration of eight electrons (octet structure) in their outer most orbits except helium which 2 have only electrons. Due to their stable octet structure, these gases are inert in nature. They do not chemically react with other elements. ”According to Lewis “octet theory, all the elements with an unstable or incomplete electronic configuration have a tendency to attain the stable electronic configuration of the nearest inert gas configuration either by complete transfer of valence electron from one atom to another or by mutual sharing of valence electron between the atoms”. This tendency to attain the stable electronic configuration is responsible for the formation of chemical bonding. INERT GASES OR NOBLE GASES Element

2 (H-1 unstable-for stable-2)