The Citizen Card has to be renewed when it loses its validity or if personal data on the card (except the address) change. Renewal can be done in three ways: automatically, online, or in person.
The online renewal of the Citizen Card can be done by citizens aged 25 or over, provided that:
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Learn where you can carry out the service and what are the advantages of each channel
Only for citizens over 25 years old. Autentication with Digital Mobile Key or Citizen Card. Cheaper than face-to-face renewal (for more information see the 'COSTS' field)This service can be done with video call support. Click on the "Support" button on the right side of the page and schedule.
For more information consult the 'COSTS' field See the Citizen Map for the service desk closer to you Search for a point of service near you: Select a district first Find locationThe renewal has to be done by all citizens (national or Brazilian) with a Citizen Card, in case of:
The renewal of the Citizen Card usually takes an average of 7 business days until the new card is available for withdrawal. However, it is possible to request this service on an "urgent" and "extremely urgent" basis.
* In the case of citizen cards issued after 16 April 2018 it is possible to recover the PIN codes of address, authentication and digital signature.
The validity of the Citizen Card varies according to age
Brazilian citizens covered by the Porto Seguro Treaty:
Qual a validade do Cartão de Cidadão?
O prazo de validade do Cartão de Cidadão depende da idade e da nacionalidade.
Pessoas com nacionalidade portuguesa:
Pessoas com nacionalidade brasileira abrangidas pelo tratado de Porto Seguro:
Automatic renewal of the Citizen's Card
The automatic renewal service for the Citizen's Card covers portuguese citizens residing in Portugal, with the following conditions
Those whose Citizen's Card has expired or is about to expire, and have not yet asked for a renewal, will receive a PIN letter by mail to renew it automatically, without changing the data.
As of July, the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs (IRN) will send the PIN letter with the codes of the new Citizen's Card to the cardholder's home address 60 days before the document expires. If you do not receive the PIN, you can request a second copy by calling the Citizen's Card Hotline (+351) 210 990 111.
The letter includes an ATM reference for the payment of the renewal service. After the payment within the indicated period, the new Citizen's Card will be sent to the holder's home.
Citizen's Card online renewal
Portuguese citizens aged 25 or older who need to change their surnames, address and contacts may renew their Citizen's Card online (or at a "Espaço Cidadão"), provided that one of the following conditions applies
If you have lost your Citizen's Card or if it has been destroyed, stolen or stolen, you need to cancel the card before you can renew it online.
To renew your Citizen's Card online (or at a Citizen's Space) you need to meet the following requirements:
Important: if the Citizen Card has expired less than 30 days ago, you can only perform the service with a Mobile Digital Key that has been activated during the validity period of the Citizen Card. In case you have an expired Citizen's Card you will not be able to activate the Mobile Digital Key, so you need to go to a Citizen's Shop or a counter of the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs (IRN).
Face-to-dace Citizen Card Renewal
The in-person renewal of the Citizen's Card can be done by any citizen, but is subject to prior scheduling of the date and place of service.
You can request the renewal on:
External service for the renewal of the Citizen's Card
The Citizen's Card external service is aimed at people with reduced mobility, hospitalized or imprisoned, and who cannot physically go to a counter or are unable to renew their card online.
A representative of the IRN will go to the home, hospital or establishment where the person is to process the renewal request.
If you receive two PIN letters, because you have already done the renewal through another way (online or in person), you should only consider the PIN letter without information of the ATM reference and ignore the automatic renewal letter.