Perform Integrated Change Control [Step-by-Step]

A change request is a formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable or baseline.

Several project management processes may involve a change request.

Perform integrated change control is the process of reviewing all change requests and approving the changes. This process happens throughout the project for integrating change requests.

The approved change request may be a

The approved changes are implemented through the direct and manage project work process, to achieve the project’s objectives.

Perform Integrated Change Control

Table of Contents

Changes to the Project Management Plan

Project management plan should be baselined so that the actual project performance can be measured against the baseline. Before baselining the project management plan, it can be changed as many times as you want without going through any change control process. But, once the baseline is agreed, any further changes can happen only through formal change control process.

While developing the project management plan, we also should establish which project documents will be subject to the formal change control process.

Change management plan, a component of the project management plan, describes how the change requests will be formally authorized and incorporated.

Change log is a project document. The change log contains the status of all change requests.

In an Agile/ adaptive environment, the project manager’s focus is on ensuring the team has the ability to respond to changes.

Perform Integrated Change Control [Step-by-Step]

The first thing to do as a Project Manager is to minimize change requests in a project. You have to work to influence the causes of change requests.

You need to understand that, in spite of your efforts, changes are inevitable in a project.

Change Control Sequence

If you get a change request, the following are the suggested steps to address the change request: