How to Evaluate Your Salon Staff (The Ultimate Guide)

How to Evaluate Your Salon Staff (The Ultimate Guide)

Staff evaluations can be a time-consuming and intimidating task, and most employers rate them among the least enjoyable aspects of their job. Regular evaluations, however, can result in a net positive for your business, creating a better working environment for you, your employees, and your clients.

The best way to evaluate your salon staff is to set a clear date, prepare and review all staff records in advance, keep a job responsibility list and score, specify feedback relating to your salon’s culture, avoid confrontation, keep cool tempers, learn to listen, never discuss raises or money, be sure to address problem areas, be specific with both praise and recommendations, reevaluate sooner for special circumstances, always be sensitive, know when to fire, always find the compliments, and to document everything.

These 15 key areas will evaluate nearly every aspect of your staff’s performance, help set goals, and grow both your employees and your salon. Knowing just why evaluations are so crucial to a better salon, which areas to focus your evaluations on, and how often you should hold staff evaluations are other topics we cover here that will better prepare you for the best evaluations you can have in your salon today.

Table of Contents

Why Conduct Employee Reviews?

If you find reviewing your employees daunting, you may be asking yourself why it needs to be done at all. You may think that doing away with employee evaluations altogether may provide a better workplace, but studies have found that 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt that their efforts were better recognized, and staff evaluations are a perfect way to do just that.

Most think of staff evaluations as a purely negative exercise, but the best employers use their evaluations not only to work on any needed problems but to praise their employees for things that they do well. In this way, evaluations can lead to a more motivated and productive staff, which is exactly what you want in your salon.

Salon staff evaluations can also help you to identify: