Evaluate the cumulative distribution function of a continuous Uniform distribution

A Uniform object created by a call to Uniform() .

A vector of elements whose cumulative probabilities you would like to determine given the distribution d .

logical. Should the result be simplified to a vector if possible?

logical. Should each distribution in d be evaluated at all elements of x ( elementwise = FALSE , yielding a matrix)? Or, if d and x have the same length, should the evaluation be done element by element ( elementwise = TRUE , yielding a vector)? The default of NULL means that elementwise = TRUE is used if the lengths match and otherwise elementwise = FALSE is used.

Arguments to be passed to punif . Unevaluated arguments will generate a warning to catch mispellings or other possible errors.


In case of a single distribution object, either a numeric vector of length probs (if drop = TRUE , default) or a matrix with length(x) columns (if drop = FALSE ). In case of a vectorized distribution object, a matrix with length(x) columns containing all possible combinations.


 set.seed(27) X  Uniform(1, 2) X #> [1] "Uniform distribution (a = 1, b = 2)" random(X, 10) #> [1] 1.971750 1.083758 1.873870 1.329231 1.222276 1.401648 1.072499 1.002450 #> [9] 1.137094 1.191909 pdf(X, 0.7) #> [1] 0 log_pdf(X, 0.7) #> [1] -Inf cdf(X, 0.7) #> [1] 0 quantile(X, 0.7) #> [1] 1.7 cdf(X, quantile(X, 0.7)) #> [1] 0.7 quantile(X, cdf(X, 0.7)) #> [1] 1 

Developed by Alex Hayes, Ralph Moller-Trane, Daniel Jordan, Paul Northrop, Moritz N. Lang, Achim Zeileis.

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