The 6-step process for evaluating internal controls

Internal auditor evaluates controls

An internal controls evaluation reviews an internal controls system to detect deficiencies proactively. These deficiencies can arise for numerous reasons, like employees misunderstanding controls or controls falling out of step with recent regulations. In any case, they can prevent internal controls from effectively reducing risk.

Evaluating internal controls involves reviewing the controls’ different components to determine whether the controls are operating effectively and, if not, recommend a path to improvement.

Who assesses internal controls?

Who assesses internal controls depends on the purpose of the assessments. External parties may complete an internal controls evaluation to prepare for a more formal audit. In contrast, internal parties may complete more regular evaluations as part of the organization’s risk management protocol.

Internal audit

The internal audit team oversees an organization’s risk management program and internal controls. As such, internal auditors should regularly assess the internal controls system to ensure all controls function as intended. These checks are vital, yet informal, ways to assess your audit readiness and overall risk exposure.

External audit

Unlike internal audit, external audit is typically more formal. Before they conduct a more thorough audit, an external auditor will complete an internal controls evaluation to determine which areas the audit should prioritize. How they evaluate your internal controls will depend on what they’re auditing for, like a SOX or NIST audit.

Why is internal controls evaluation important?

Internal controls evaluation is a critical part of an effective internal controls system. While internal controls prevent fraud and reduce the risk of regulatory infractions, regular assessments validate the success of those controls.

It’s an opportunity for boards, their audit committee and leadership teams to get visibility into their internal controls system and gain the information they need to make better decisions about risk. It can also pave the way for smoother audits since audit teams can use assessments to proactively shore up internal control processes.

What are some factors to consider when assessing internal controls?

Part of assessing internal controls is narrowing your focus on the most important factors. Depending on the reason for the review, you may not need to assess every control in every system. Consider instead:

The 6 steps to evaluate your internal control system

Evaluating internal controls has only become more challenging in recent years. The amount of controls has surged to keep up with heightened regulations and increasing cybersecurity risk. This also challenges audit teams to evaluate their controls adequately.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Assess your culture of compliance: Internal controls are most effective when they operate in a receptive environment. Assess the attitude your employees and your entire organization have toward controls and compliance, then analyze how that attitude may contribute to the success or failure of your internal controls.
  2. Analyze risk exposure: Different organizations face different risks. Understand first which risks you face, then prioritize them based on which would be most costly if it came to pass. Use your risk landscape to identify which controls to assess when.
  3. Review controls: Evaluate your controls and the structures that support them. This includes processes like two-factor authentication or requiring employees to log out of computers not in use, as well as control documentation and training.
  4. Evaluate internal communications: Audit teams should communicate clearly about internal controls to boards who need assurance and employees who need to enact them. Review the communication system to ensure reports are accurate and easily understandable for all audiences.
  5. Inspect monitoring systems: Organizations should take an always-on approach to internal control evaluation. Assess how often you monitor control activities and how effective that monitoring is.
  6. Report on your evaluation: Internal control assessments can have many different audiences. Boards and executives, in particular, will want to know whether any deficiencies require fixing. Develop clear and transparent reporting structures to offer your organization the assurance they need.

Internal controls evaluation best practices

As you enact the above process, consider these best practices to make your evaluation a true strategic advantage:

Take an always-on approach to internal controls evaluation

Between tightening and increasing business regulations, running an audit department is more challenging than ever. Completing regular internal controls evaluations can feel like another item on a long list of responsibilities, especially if the audit team is already struggling to keep up.

Modernizing your audit infrastructure is one of the best ways to give your audit team the support they need. Move away from tired spreadsheets and manual processes and instead embrace an optimized audit infrastructure that not only fosters better internal controls evaluations, but an improved internal controls system.